Unit 4 - Evaluation

Unit 4 – Evaluation

My TV show is a long-form TV Show which sees the protagonist renting her apartment out as a party venue, only or the person renting it out to bite back and frame her. Throughout the series she will be on the run, trying to make it back into the central location of the apartment to gather evidence to prove her innocence. The TV show has key features such as a high power, high class female protagonist; it has a central location which will always play a key part in the show and helping to build tension and suspense.

In my TV Show, my protagonist is moving away from the overused stereotypical white, straight man seen and overused in feature films; instead we have a young female who has quite a lot of power due to the wealth of her family. Her name is April and she is bisexual. The stereotypical antagonist in films is often seen as a human (often male) with large amounts of physical power, outweighing that of the protagonist. In my show, I have gone with a different approach as the antagonist is disabled. He has lost his left leg early in life and instead has a prosthetic leg. This goes against audience expectations as It is a physical disability which will affect the strength of the antagonist.

‘Framed’ takes place in a modern-day UK Urban society where knife crime is an ever growing and ever threatening problem. This Social context has an effect on my show because it allows for the super-fast and strong reactions from the police officers which is more realistic in a time where knife related incidents are happening more and more frequently.

The political idea that men and woman should be paid the same amount for the same jobs is an idea that I very much stand with, however this is an idea we know is not followed by companies all around the country and the world. This is what has influenced me to make the female protagonist quite ‘well-off’. This is because it is different from what is often seen.

The cast in my TV Show pitch contains some diversity. We see the ethnicity of a white British person and also a Latina who is the protagonist’s friend. We have created a strong position for someone with a disability in the tv show, as the role of the antagonist.

My TV show has been heavily inspired by the genres of Mystery and Thriller. The Mystery genre has come into it to help build on the aspect of the show when the protagonist is trying to prove herself as innocent and investigate what really happened. The thriller aspect comes into is because this is all happening what she is on the run from the police.

My TV show has used genre conventions to try and attract its audience, for example a convention of a thriller would be a high suspense chase sequence. I have included one of these into the tv show. This will see fans of the thriller genre turn heads towards ‘Framed’.
Narrative structure and theory played a large part in me being able to plan the TV show. I looked at ideas such as todorov’s narrative theory where it starts with an equilibrium, which is then disrupted before a new equilibrium is formed. This allowed me to look at the state I wanted my show to follow. It does follow this theory, but the equilibrium at the end of the show might not be a positive one. I also used story and narrative structures with story arc’s to impact the events.

‘The Apartment’ (1960) narrative structure influenced the structure of my TV Show because it uses Todorov’s narrative theory which inspired me to use it mine.
