1.1 Representations


Feature Film

Gender: Throughout Reservoir Dogs, all of the main characters are Male. This movie would fail the Betchdel test. It fits to the stereotype of the time with men being involved in gangs/mafias and involved in violence.

Ethnicity: The ethnicity displayed throughout Reservoir Dogs is not very mixed. Throughout the whole film we are portrayed with white middle aged males.

Disability: In this film the amount of Characters with a disability equals out at a Zero. This was typical for the time when this film was produced as it was thought people were not interested in watching a film with people who have disabilities in. Filmmakers knew what people were interested in and did not want to leave this safe area.

Comparisons of Representations in Reservoir Dogs in Comparison to the Apartment.

  • How much do each of the films rely on stereotypes?
Stereotypes are seen heavily throughout both Reservoir and The Apartment. In Reservoir Dogs it uses the stereotypes of a typical Mafia/Gang representation, for example a stereotypical Mafia would have worn suits, smoked cigars and had nice cars. This is seen very heavily in Reservoir Dogs and is important as it allows the audience to understand the significance of who they are and that they are part of this gang/mafia.

In The Apartment it also relies on stereotypes quite a large amount. The biggest example is seen with gender stereotype at the time. In the time of the film releasing - it was often seen as the man should be taking care deeply of the woman in a relationship and not visa versa.

  • How have the representations changed over time (since 1960 when The Apartment was made)?

Since the Apartment was made in 1960 representations the representations of Gender had changed so that woman and females are more equally presented to men. In the Apartment it was very men heavy,


Gender: In Brooklyn 99 there is a mix of protagonists. This movie would pass the Betchdel test.
Ethnicity: The ethnicity displayed throughout Brooklyn 99 is very mixed. Throughout all of the series we see a mix in ethnicity of characters.
Disability: In this sitcom the amount of protagonists with disability equals out at a Zero. However, in some episodes there are characters with disabilities.

Long Form TV

Gender: This TV Series is good with Gender as it has a large amount of female protagonists. This would pass the Betchdel Test. Throughout Game of Thrones, Characters such as Daenerys take on a huge leadership role, which is often taken on by men in films. This is unique to game of thrones, as having a female actor is not often seen.

Age: Age is very diverse throughout Game of Thrones, it varies from younger children to much older characters. The season eight poster (seen above) shows the protagonist, who is the woman right smack bang in the middle. This is emphasising on the fact she is a woman.

Stereotypes: In this TV series, stereotypes are quite heavily relied on, but also broken. The stereotype that only men fought in the army in the past is broken by the main character of Breane of Tar, who is a knight. However, the idea that in the older times all men were very very fond of paying for sex, is still seen.


It is known that the oscars has been a big cause of controversy. in twenty twenty, there was a lot of controversy caused over the fact that there was zero female directors nominated for an award. This was especially surprising considering that it was recognised by people in the oscars. There were many jokes about this.

This is surprising to me because the recent years have been so dedicated to moving away from the very male dominated industry. This has played heavily in the increase of female directed movies in comparison to many years ago. In earlier times having a woman in the role of a director was unheard of and would just not have been seen. It was a males job.

In future I believe they should do two categories (like they do for actors) with best female director and best male director. This will lead to equality for both sides and move away from the sexism associated with having just one gender involved.

Is the Apartment Misogynistic? 

Some people are for the idea that the film 'The Apartment' is misogynistic. I personally do not believe that this is the case. This is because without females in the film, the film would not work. They play a key part in the narrative of the film. For example, one of the main protagonists is Fran; she is a female. 

In my opinion if the film was misogynistic then it would not involve so heavily around the use of female characters. I believe the females in the film are equally important as the men.
